Meeting Schedule
- Date: 1st and 3rd Monday of the month (If the 1st or 3rd Monday falls on a town-recognized holiday, the meeting will be on the first Tuesday following the holiday)
- Time: 6:00 pm
- Place: Moretown Town Office – 79 School Street, In the John Hoogenboom Meeting Room
- If you are unable to attend in person, please join via ZOOM
ZOOM Meeting ID 620 104 2716
Or to call in: 929-205-6099
Select Board Members
- Tom Martin, Chairman | 802-496-2599 (h)
- Don Wexler | 802-496-7504 (h)
- Callie Streeter, Vice Chair | 802-498-3437 (cell)
- Robin Campbell | 802-229-6105 (h)
- Michael Brown | 802-777-5240 (cell)
Select Board Contact – Select Board Assistant
Sasha Elwell, 802-882-8219