Updating the Town Plan
The Moretown Planning Commission is in the process of revising the Town Plan, and focusing most of each meeting on a chapter-by-chapter review and update.
Meeting Schedule
- Date: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month
- Time: 6:30 pm
- Place: Moretown Town Office – 79 School Street
PC Members
- Karen Horn – Chair (Kebhorn@gmail.com)
- David Stapleton – Vice Chair (d.stapleton@comcast.net)
- John Schmeltzer (metsch@comcast.net)
- Clark Amadon (clark@amadononline.net)
- Deborah Sargent (debsarg7@gmail.com)
- Robert Blodgett – Alternate (bobblodgett118@gmail.com)
Updating the Land Use and Development Regulations and other Documents
Notices of hearings appear in the right sidebar (below on mobile). Documents in review and a record of these documents and revisions will appear in the respective Announcements. Some historical (revised) documents may also appear below.
Moretown Housing snapshot: https://housingdata.org/profile/snapshot
- LHMP formal approval letter from FEMA
- Moretown Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (approved)
- Moretown Town Plan – Part 2 SB approved January 4-2016
- Moretown Town Plan – Part 1 SB approved January 4-2016
- Policies – Moretown Town Plan (2015-11-03)
- Local Hazard Mitigation Plan part 2
- Local Hazard Mitigation Plan part 1